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Supply Bags for each participant
Day 1_Self Awareness, Esteem, Image
Self-Awareness-->Self-Esteem-->Self-Image: The Correlations
Day 2_Social Communication
Mrs. Carolyn Frelow teaches the girls the importance of good Social & Communication Skills!
Day 3_Mind Over Mood
Mind Over Mood: The girls are learning about being in control of their emotions, effective coping strategies and conflict resolution skills!
Socializing and enjoying lunch!
Day 4_Drugs and Your Body1
Mrs. Mary Dix teaches the girls about the effects of using drugs and what they do to the body! This was a very eye-opening day for the girls!
Mary and Kim
Mrs. Mary and Ms. Kim hosting today's workshop!
The girls received Certificates of completion for attending the 4-day seminar!
Low Self-Esteem facts
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