"Life skills are not hereditary, they must be taught!"
Many teenagers, especially girls suffer from low self-esteem. These sessions are designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that either enhance or detract from healthy self-esteem, and learn effective tools and techniques for building positive feelings of self-esteem and self-worth.
Social & Communication
Effective social & communication skills help adolescents express themselves, both verbally and non-verbally, in ways that are appropriate to cultures and situations. These sessions teach participants how to assertively express their opinions, desires, needs and fears and the ability of being able to ask for advice and help in a time of need.
Emotional Regulation
Emotional coping skills help a person to manage the intense feelings and physical stress that accompany painful life transitions. These sessions discuss and teach various emotions, how to recognize them within us and others, being aware of how emotions influence behavior, and effective coping strategies.
& Problem-Solving
Decision making is a skill that can help an adolescent deal constructively with decisions about their lives. These sessions are designed to empower teens to look at problems objectively, teach them to assess the different options for solutions available to them after weighing the pros and cons of each option, and consider what effects these different decisions are likely to have.
Substance Use & Abuse Prevention
Drug abuse is now-a-days one of the gravest social harms that is effecting a great deal of our youth population. These sessions provide the proper educational measures about the harmful effects of drugs to help participants develop a better sense of drug abuse awareness.
Ensuring that our youth are appropriately educated about drugs can help prevent them from using them. Knowledge is power, and with accurate information about the topic, a person will be more likely to make a fact-based and informed decision.
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
The PAL program offers participants ages 16-21 years, guidance, support, and exercises designed to develop independent living skills and promote personal growth. The program assists older youth with developing self-confidence and self-sufficiency as they prepare to integrate into their community independently.
Positive Parenting Solutions
Parenting is the most important and challenging job any of us can have. These sessions are designed to help parents strengthen communication with and prepare their children for a successful transition from adolescence to early adulthood. Children raised in supportive, warm, affectionate homes in which there are clear and consistently reinforced rules are less likely to engage in at-risk behavior and are more likely to be successful.